It is a component of Dhaka- Chittagong Water Supply and DrainageProject financed by the World Bank, and CSCEC AECOM ConsultantsCO., LTD is the prime contractor. The pumping station is located in theeastern area of Dhaka City, aiming at improving the drainage capacityof the area to solve the flooding problem during raining season. Thepumping station has its design drainage capacity of 25m3/s, and themain work quantities as follows: 85m long open channel inlet, providedwith automatic cleaner for inlet screen; one storm water pump house,equipped with 5 sets of axial flow pumps, the efficiency of each pumpreaching 90%; five outlet steel pipes (DN1500mm); one outlet stillingbasin; complex building and transformer room.The project,with its investment of USD11.07 million and BDT300million,was started in January 2013 and is expected to be completed and put intooperation in 2015。
